How Much Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?
How Much Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?

How Much Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?


Are you thinking about becoming an affiliate marketer?

Perhaps you’d like to know how much can you make as an affiliate marketer? It’s a common question and this step-by-step guide on what is affiliate marketing will help you. 


 Affiliate marketing is becoming one of the most popular ways to make passive income. 


Ever wondered how people are making 6 figure income just by talking about a product? 

There’s a good chance you may have heard it from people who say they’ve made money promoting other people’s products. 


How much can you make doing Affiliate marketing? It’s quite simple, there is no set rate when it comes to how much you can make as an affiliate marketer.


 But here is the general answer, affiliate marketing can make you high profits or commissions depending on your strategy.  Adam Enfroy, a successful blogger shares his affiliate income report from his 3-year-old blog making over 78k a month! Yes, you’ve read correctly, he breaks down the affiliate programs he’s promoting that makes him nearly six figures a month. 


So you see, how much you can make from affiliate marketing really depends on your strategy. You can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing even from a small blog. 


What is Affiliate Marketing 


If you’re new to affiliate marketing, it’s a really simple process. 


Affiliate marketing is when you promote a product and receive a commission when someone makes a purchase. It’s just like a company offering you a commission-based job, except you can choose to promote any products you want. 


You can choose to sign up with an individual company that has an affiliate or referral program or you can find affiliate products through affiliate networks.


 Affiliate networks host a group of individual companies with the goal of having affiliate marketers sign on to promote their products. 


Once you sign up for an affiliate program, you’ll be given a special link to promote and that’s how you get started. 


The first benefit of affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to pay any money to join them. You can sign up for free on beginner-friendly affiliate programs. 


There are other affiliate programs that will require you to have a certain number of visits to your website or social media account in order to be qualified. 


Secondly, you can find beginner-friendly affiliate programs that pay recurring commissions. This means that you’ll get paid a commission every month once the person remains a subscriber through your affiliate link. That’s amazing, right? 


Do you want to know what are the best affiliate programs to join? Go to this post to learn more. 


Third, you get paid each month once you are at the minimum threshold. You can get your affiliate pay through Paypal, Check, or direct deposits. 


How Much Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer


Like any other business model, affiliate marketing requires a plan. Ask yourself these questions:  should I do affiliate marketing on my blog? 


Is it worth doing it through my social media accounts instead?


 In order to know what works, it’s better to understand what types of affiliate products you’re going to promote. If you have an idea of what you want to help people achieve, affiliate marketing will become easier for you. 


Knowing who and how you can help makes it much easier for people to trust you. 


 Now, I’m not saying everyone makes it in affiliate marketing but with consistency, most people will. 


How can you become a successful affiliate marketer? 


Anything that you want the most out of requires e consistency and finding the right solutions to make it happen. 


If you want to make money with affiliate marketing you must come up with the best ideas that your audience wants and that you can deliver on. 


Often times I see people promote an affiliate product and then give up after a few months.  This is because they weren’t attracting the right audience. Remember, just like a business, you have to know who your customers are, it’s the same with affiliate marketing. 


 Even thinking about what products will help you make money as an affiliate marketer needs to be selected properly. 


If you promote the same products as everyone else and provide the same delivery, no one will care. 


Would you be enticed to buy a product if there’s nothing outstanding about it? It’s just one of those same commercials, that you keep hearing over and over.


But really if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer, it will take some research and consistency. 


Affiliate Network Vs Affiliate Program, Which is better? 


In the first part of my introduction to what is affiliate marketing, I mentioned that an affiliate program is an individual company where you can promote their affiliate link. 


However, when it comes to an affiliate network, it hosts multiple affiliate programs from which you can choose with a single login. 

what is affiliate marketing

If you analyze this, you’ll see that it’s better to sign up for an affiliate network because you will have a variety of products with just one login detail.


 Now, affiliate programs are still worth it because you can find just 1 affiliate program that pays you high profits depending on your niche. 


Let me give you an example. 


FlexOffers is an affiliate network while Fiverr is an affiliate program. 


You can choose to promote different products within FlexOffers but on Fiverr you can earn high profits from their Hybrid or Freelance Learn affiliate program. 

how much can you make doing affiliate marketing

This means as an affiliate marketer, you will need affiliate programs that make sense in growing your income. 


How to promote your affiliate links and make money? 


There are many ways to promote your affiliate links, and quite often with just some click and proper optimization. You can choose to promote your affiliate links in these ways: 


  • In Facebook groups as a standout member. Being a stand-out member means that you have permission from the owner of the group to post your offer. You can choose to send members to a landing page where they’ll insert a name and email then you send them the offer. 


  • On Instagram through your link in bio section or through your product link. For example, a shoe or accessory that you’re promoting with your affiliate link. 


  • You can use Pinterest to get visitors to your affiliate links. All you need is a Business account through Pinterest and an optimized post that will help drive views and clicks to your product. 


  • Use Tiktok live to talk about your products and get signups quickly. 


  • Make the most with your blog by posting your affiliate links, this is one of the most popular ways bloggers make money. 


What are some Affiliate Marketing FAQs? 


Now that you know what is affiliate marketing, there are often some other questions. 


Is affiliate Marketing Worth it? 

What are the most profitable affiliate products to promote?

How can I make $100 a day with affiliate marketing


Conclusion on Affiliate Marketing: 


Now that we’ve covered how much you can make doing affiliate marketing, what’s next? 

If you’re ready to start an affiliate marketing business, take these steps above and be consistent in doing so. In this post, we’ve discussed how much can you make as an affiliate marketer and how to get started. If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog, and follow me on all social media platforms @virtualbossmindset


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