9 Best Side Hustles from home for beginners
9 Best Side Hustles from home for beginners

Looking for the best side hustles? In this day an age people are trying to find side hustles from home that makes them money. In this post you’ll learn the how to start a side hustle from home that actually pays. 


Most people look for a side hustle to help offset their monthly expenses for rent, food, utility bills and even paying for their loans. If you’re trying to make some extra money in order to take of your monthly expenses, save or go on a trip, these side hustles from home will do just that! 


Here are a few questions I have encountered from people looking for ways to earn money on the side: 


What is the best side hustle to start with?


Depending on your skills and how much you want to make, you can start a side hustle as a beginner in graphic designing, being a virtual assistant, selling digital products or even starting your own consulting agency. 


What side hustles pay the most?


Some of the most paid side hustles includes; marketing consulting for facebook ads, Video editors, graphic designing, mobile app developers, and freelance writers. 


How can I make an extra $2000 a month?


Making $2000 per month on the side is definitely achievable. You can do things like pet sitting on rover, help bloggers grow Pinterest traffic, tutor English on sites like VIPKID or Preply. There are other side hustles for beginners that pay $2000 a month such as, proofreading jobs, wordpress website designing, and help companies with marketing. 


How can I make $100 a day on the side?


If your goal is to make $100 per day on the side then you can take part in selling digital products on Etsy, sell online courses, or become a freelancer. 


Now often time, people may ask how they can do side hustles without a job, but being realistic, you have to put in some work in order to make money. 


9 Side Hustles from Home for Beginners 

best side hustles from home

A side hustle is a small business on the side that one pursues to make extra cash. Side hustles can become a blown business earning way more than a person’s main job or source of income. There are plenty of lucrative side hustles from home and even ones that beginners can start to make good money. 


Let’s dive into these side gigs and how you can easily get started. 


1. Writing 


Many companies invest money in content such as captions for their social media platforms, content for their website and press releases. Writing is one of the best side hustles from home and you can do it from just about anywhere. 


All you need is a couple hours out of your day or night, do some research on the topic you’re writing on and put your thoughts on paper. Writing isn’t as simple as there are companies looking for Ghostwriters, Creative and Fiction writers so it’s good to have knowledge of how to do this. 


Where can you find writing gigs online? 


Some of the best places to get side jobs in writing are through, Fiverr, Contena, Upwork, Probloggers, or Textbroker. 


2. Proofreading 


If you cringe when you see grammatical errors on websites oron  documents then one  of the best side hustles for you to start is becoming a Proofreader. This job includes spotting errors and correcting them. Some companies that hire proofreaders do require you to have a  certification but Proofread Anywhere offers a workshop that covers everything you need to know and they also provide with a certification. 


You can find Proofreading jobs on sites like Proofreadingservices.com, Fiverr, Scribendi and ProofreadingPal.


3. Virtual Assistant 


If you’re not familiar with what a VA is, it’s an independent contractor that provides a wide range of services remotely for clients. Specialized VA may do social media marketing, website development or sales. While general Virtual Assistants may help small businesses with administrative work, appointment scheduling, and bookkeeping. 


The best websites to find Virtual Assistant jobs, include Fiverr, Peopleperhour and Upwork 


4. Transcription 


If you’re looking for easy side hustles from home that you can do anytime, being a Transcriptionist will help with that. This side hustle does require you to have experience. 


Transcription is a simple task where you listen to an audio and type out everything that was said by each speakers. AI technology has many tools for this but some companies are strict on using only human generated transcripts. 


You can sign up on sites like Rev.com, or TranscribeMe as a total beginner earning $1000 per month. These websites pay through PayPal and direct deposits. 


5. Video Editor


With the rapid growth of video content, video editing service is in high demand. As a video editor, you can specialize in Youtube, Tiktok or general video editing. This side hustle pays well and you don’t need a degree in order to get started. Most video editing techniques can be learned online through watching Youtube videos. The average video editor typically changes about $50 to edit a 5-10 minute video. This can be more depending what needs to be done for editing. 


6. Online Tutoring 


One good side hustle for beginners is to tutor kids online for an hourly fee. This could be any subject that you’re an expert in but you’ll find most people are looking for English tutors. Some companies do require a TESOL or degree in teaching but there are sites like Preply and TutorMe where you can sign up without experience in teaching. 


7. Sell Digital Product  


Selling digital products such as ebooks, stickers, courses and templates are one of the best side hustles from home. You don’t need a lot of start up cost but it’s important to invest time in creating the product. The best part about selling digital products is that it generates  passive income and you only create it one time and it can be sold endlessly. 


You can consider selling your digital products on sites like Etsy or setting up your own Shopify store. Other sites to consider for digital graphics are; Tee spring, Redbubble, and Zazzle. If you’re looking for platforms to host your ebooks or courses, try sites like Udemy, or Skillshare.


8. Social Media Manager 


If you scroll on social media all day long, you can get paid on the side as a social media manager. You’ll be responsible for daily posting of content for facebook, Tiktok, LinkedIn or Twitter. There are plenty of request available on freelance sites like Fiverr for social media managers. You can expect to earn $1500 per month managing and scheduling content for your clients social media platforms. 


9. Consulting 


If you’re good at business development or marketing, then doing consulting on the side is a great side hustle idea. This is a flexible side hustle from home and it only requires a few hours per day. Business consultants charges an average of $150 per hour de[ending on their expertise. You can do consulting as a life coach, career coach, business, sales and marketing. 


Now that we have listed 9 side hustles from you you can get started with as a beginner, which one peaks your interest? And note that most of these side hustles require no experience and they can be done even if you work a 9 to 5 job. It’s important to understand that side hustles can bloom into a very lucrative business so it requires effort upfront. Do not settle on the narrative that you can make money without a job.  Be careful of websites that promises you to get rich quick. 


Here are some other posts to consider: 

How to Make $200 a Week On the Side in 8 Realistic Ways

20 Realistic Ways To Make $100 a Day Online

10 Creative Ways to Make $600 Fast (2024 Ultimate Guide)

How to make 30 Dollars Fast ; Yes Make $30 Right Now

28 Best Work From Home Jobs for Moms





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