28 Best Work From Home Jobs for Moms
28 Best Work From Home Jobs for Moms

28 Best Stay At Home Mom Jobs with Flexible Schedules 2023

What are some of the best stay at home mom jobs? 

I’ve heard this question quite a lot. I had the opportunity to stay at home and work when my son was a toddler. It’s a handful to balance being a mom and actually working. I’m sure that most moms like myself can agree it’s hard work to take care of their young (s) ones while trying to make money. 

However, finding the right work from home jobs for moms will let you get the best of both worlds. 

Just a quick story of how I got started as a stay at home working mom. I always liked to be independent and I struggled to find a good career that I could do while I take care of my then 2-year-old. When I finally got a job, I missed out on almost every important moment of my son’s growth. I was also in a toxic work environment and I need a way out so I quit without having a clue what to do next.  

 One month later – 

After researching what are some Legitimate stay at home jobs online, I found freelancing which was a popular online job.

I decided to try Fiverr, and on the first day of signing up, I landed my first virtual assistant gig with a Keynote Speaker. Ever since that, I received orders consistently. Today I have over 300 five-star reviews and multiple side hustles that make me passive and active income. 

If you are a mom reading this, trust me, YOU can do this too! 

I will share legitimate work from home jobs for moms that pay well. Some of these are jobs that I have tried and tested over the years. Some of them will also be from other successful work at home moms. 

Now before we get into this list, I want to answer some common questions I get from moms all the time. Some of these include:

What are the best jobs for moms with no experience? 

Some of the best mom jobs that require no experience include,

Data entry jobs

Freelance transcription

Virtual Assistant Jobs

Dog Walking

Daycare and laundry services 

These are some of the best jobs for stay at home moms with no work experience. 

What is a Good Job For A Stay at Home Mom?

A good job for a stay at home mom is something that offers flexibility. I can speak from experience, if it is a phone (voice)  job that says work hours are Mon-Fri 9-5, that means you’ll need to get a nanny to watch your kids at home. However if you can choose your own hours and set your own rates even for phone specialist work as I did, then definitely it’s a great work from home job for moms. 

28 Best Stay at Home Moms Jobs to Work From Home

Let’s now explain in detail some jobs that moms can do from home.

1. Proofreading

One of my top recommendations for the best stay at home job for moms is spotting grammar errors in content and correcting them. This doesn’t require a lot of experience, all you need is a computer, an internet connection, and good grammar skills. 

Most Proofreading companies do require that you have a degree.  However, there are thousands of stay at home moms that are making $50,000 a year as a proofreader without having a degree. 

With the Proofread Anywhere Course, there are reports from moms who are making a full-time income working part-time.  A lot of them had no idea they could get paid $35+ an hour just for reading and correcting typos and grammar mistakes. 

2. Bookkeeping

Working as a bookkeeper involves tracking and managing the transactions of a business. You can choose to find clients through freelancing platforms or build your own network of clients. 

The difference is that, with freelancing; the pay will be lower but if you start your own bookkeeping agency, then you can charge higher fees. 

 If you’re a mom that’s good at managing your household finances, this could be a nice way for you to make an extra 2-3k per month. 

3. Virtual Assistant

Being a Virtual assistant means that you’ll help busy entrepreneurs manage their workload from your home. Virtual Assistant Tasks include administrative support, calendar management, appointment scheduling, and managing social media accounts. 

There are 2 types of Virtual assistants: 

General VAs work with clients on any given admin task and they usually charge between $10-$30 per hour. An example of this is web research and data entry jobs.  

A specialized Virtual Assistant is a dedicated person that uses their expertise in a specific field to maximize the growth of a business. This is the one that I’ve been doing for years. An example would be a Sales and Marketing Expert. The pay is usually between $35-$70 per hour.

4. Start A Blog

work from home mom jobs

Starting a blog is a simple process but making money from it takes a lot of time and hard work. My blog made $0 dollars in my first year and it was because I lacked the knowledge of SEO and how to actually monetize it. 

A blog is a great way for stay at home moms to make passive income while taking care of their kids. If you would like to get paid for topics that you’re an expert at, starting a blog might be the best stay at home mom job.

Here are some high-value tips to get started with your blog and make money quickly:

Choose a topic that you love to talk about. This should also be something that people are searching for on Google. 

Purchase your Domain name and hosting. It’s best to choose a hosting provider like BlueHost or Namecheap. Create your website with your visitors in mind and ensure that all pages have titles related to what you talk about 

SEO should be the center of attention when you are writing your blog posts. If you don’t know what SEO stands for, it’s the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It’s can be as easy as ensuring that you put keywords your audiences are searching for and as hard as optimizing the speed of a website. 

I highly recommend that you take a course in SEO to help you set up your blog business for success. This will save you months of frustration and give you more time to make money blogging as a mom. 

Check out this post on the 6 Simple steps to starting your own blog 

5. Copywriting 

Nowadays copywriting is used for most businesses and websites that are trying to sell their services. This job doesn’t require moms to have a degree but to understand how to write captivating and relatable sales copies. 

Copywriters can make a lot of money, some of the copywriters I know are making well over 10k+ per month. How can you make money as a mom doing this?

It’s important that you master the art of copywriting. I’ve made a couple of thousands of dollars doing it with intermediate experience- and this is how I did it:

First, I study sales funnels, and newsletters emails from top brands and read the landing pages of popular websites. Doing this helped me to see a pattern that expert copywriters use to make their copies sound enticing. . And so, I started writing e-mail sequences and website content. 

I charge my clients $130 for a short copy that consists of 200-500 words. This only takes me about 2 hours. Since chatGPT came about I haven’t used it for paid clients but I have seen how productive it could be if it’s used for copywriting. 

This is considered one of the highest-paying jobs for stay at home moms. Here are some of the best Free Copywriting courses in 2023

6. Freelancing 

jobs for stay at home moms

This is one of the best ways for stay at home moms to earn money on a flexible schedule. I’ve been freelancing for 6 years and it’s the best way to make money as a mother. 

I love freelancing from home because I earn three times more in a day than what I made at my corporate job in a week.  Even now having my daughter who is a baby, it’s given me lots of freedom to choose my work hours.  Freelancing has opened many doors for me to learn about different business opportunities which I will be sharing in this post. If you’re unsure what jobs you can do as a mom, these are some ideas to consider:

Logo Design 

Book Editing 

Data Entry 



Video Editing 

The best thing about freelancing jobs for moms is that you can live anywhere. You don’t even need to speak English! I do multiple freelance jobs and sometimes people ask me, how I balance so many side hustles at once.

The truth is when you can master things easily you are able to do it faster and more efficiently. I love exploring new things. And that is why in my freelance business, I do sales, copywriting, social media, and digital marketing. This is how much I make in 2 weeks working 3 hours daily for 1 client.

If you want to learn  how I do this, check out my ebook on how to Make $5k+ per month freelancing

7. Online Tutoring

One of the best work from home jobs for moms to make money is by teaching English to kids ages 4-12 years old. There are some good tutoring sites out there that pay between $14-26 per hour. All you need is a couple of hours, you can do this while your kids are napping or having their playtime. Some of these companies do require a college degree. However, there are a couple that provides an assessment and will allow you to teach if you pass. 

Here are some Tutoring Websites to consider: 






Check out these other websites that offer online tutoring 

8. Social Media Manager

jobs that moms can do from home

If you’re a mom that likes to be on social media a lot, I’ve got great news for you! Social media management is one of the highest-paying jobs moms can do. And you don’t need a lot of experience. You can choose to be an expert in one platform or you can offer services to create posts and publish them on multiple platforms. 

One of my services as a freelancer and Virtual assistant included social media management, and no I had no experience at the time as a stay at home mom. 

The way moms can make money as social media manager is by studying what others are doing. Look at the elements; the posts, captions, sounds, and hashtags that are performing well.  

Don’t reinvent the wheel but recreate your own version.

 Once you choose an ideal client that you want to work for it’s easier to know what to do. For example, if you want to work with Dentists, you will research social media pages for Dentists and see which ones are performing best and the ones with little to no social media engagements. 

There are a couple of ways for moms to find work, let me break them down for you: 

You can join Facebook groups for small businesses or VA groups

Create a Facebook page targeting your ideal clients 

Use LinkedIn to connect with your Ideal clients 

Find clients using Instagram 

Do direct e-mail outreach 

Message your clients through their business pages 

9. Resume Writer

jobs for moms

If you’re a mom that understands how to create ATS-ready resumes, you can make up to $60 per hour writing and editing one-page resumes for C-level executives and other job seekers. 

This is just one of the greatest work from home jobs for moms because you don’t need to be on the phone, you can work at night or anytime you wish.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in but don’t have experience with writing resumes, no worries, let me give you some tips. 

Writing a resume is all about using the best format, action verbs, and putting words on paper that will entice a recruiter. It’s not about how many colors you use or how pretty you’ve designed the resume. 

Check out this Resume Guide by Indeed, you’ll see that they provided some examples of how you should write resumes. There is also another way you could practice writing resumes using Indeed.com. Start by looking at their writer’s Resumes, for example, this one by Jennifer Herrity If you click on her resume, you’ll see how well her resume is written. 

With the observation of the current formatting and how she makes this resume appealing, you can take notes and practice in the process while offering resume writing services for others. 

Now you might be wondering, how do you find these types of jobs for moms? 

Search LinkedIn for your ideal clients, these can be individuals that are marked “opened to work on their profile” 

Use LinkedIn Networking group for Job seekers

Use Fiverr and Upwork to land new clients 

Was this helpful?  Let me know in the comments

10. Transcription

Many companies are hiring stay at home moms, students, and just about anyone who can turn audio into text. Transcription work involves listening to a provided audio and typing out what was said by a speaker (s). It’s another great work from home job for moms to do anytime. 

Whether you are just starting out with no experience and want to make extra cash or you’re a busy parent looking for work, transcribing is a good job for moms.  

The average transcription job pays about $36 per audio hour, so you can expect to make about $500-$1000 per month working a couple of hours daily. I’ve put together a list of 20 Transcription companies hiring beginners

11. Business Coach 

Do you have experience in entrepreneurship or leadership? 

Have you helped to coordinate business ideas and worked at executing them previously? If yes, then you can consider this job. 

A mom that was working in the corporate space before having kids can become a business coach. Ideally, a business coach is responsible for helping entrepreneurs develop healthy mindsets so they can thrive in their businesses. 

Some of your sessions will include identifying pain points that the entrepreneur deals with and helping them come up with the right strategy. 

Among that, you will assist your clients with leadership skills and provide solutions that will help them become effective leaders. 

Let’s move to the next section, and this is one of the jobs I do from home as a mom. 

12. Sales Consultant 

Over the past few years, I‘ve been providing hourly sales consultation for clients in SaaS, Real Estate, Staffing, and other industries.  Being a sales consultant includes providing your knowledge to start-ups looking for ways to get sales in their company.

I didn’t start out as a sales consultant, my experience working as a freelancer with over 100 companies, helped me to guide other companies. 

You can make anywhere from $50-$150 per hour on average as a mom working as a consultant. 

13. Real Estate Wholesaling 

This is a simple business model if you are looking for business ideas for moms from home. I have worked with many real estate investors who are parents and couples. One of the best things about doing this is that you can start with under $200.

A real estate wholesaler is the middleman of a real estate sale. This involves finding distressed properties near you, skip trace to find the owner’s information, and finding out if they would be open to selling the home in its as-is condition. 

mom jobs in real estate

The properties that you will target are ones that will be profitable to an investor. For example, if the market value is $150,000 but the property needs repairs estimated at $20,000, and there are liens, of $5,000, you will do the following:

Find 70% of $150,000 which is $105,000

Next, minus the repair cost and the liens

This will give you $80,000 

At this point, take out your fee before introducing it to a cash buyer.  

Your fee could be 10k or $15,000 

This means that the owner gets around $65,000 for their property. 

There are many Youtube channels that teach real estate investing from home.

14. Humanatic Call Reviewing and Filing  

easy part-time job for moms

This is one of the ways to make money as a stay at home mom that doesn’t require experience or skills. What you’ll be doing is listening to calls and putting them into categories based on what is being said in the recordings. What I liked about this job was that I could do it on my phone and they pay every Monday through Paypal. 

Reviewing calls on Humanatic doesn’t pay a lot unless you are really quick at each call. Top earners on the platform make about $70 in one day. You won’t be speaking with anyone nor do you need to spend time typing. All you need to do is understand each category and disposition each calls to the best category. 

15. Start a Dropshipping Business 

Dropshipping is one of the best lucrative jobs that moms can do from home anytime. You don’t need to hold inventory nor do you need to worry about shipping. 

To get started, think about the right name for your business and purchase your domain name. 

Next, sign up for Shopify and create your storefront.

 If you’re not a designer, try out this gig on Fiverr for an attractive e-commerce store. You can use a tool like Oberlo to add products from Alibaba or Aliexpress. 

This article by Oberlo teaches you exactly how to set up your e-commerce store 

SEO and marketing are important for you to make consistent sales. I highly recommend taking the time to research keywords for each of your listings and also invest in social media marketing. 

TikTok is a great way for you to get your first sale organically. It’s amazing how Tiktok has made a lot of people rich just by posting real content. 

16. TikTok UGC Creator 

If it’s your first time seeing the term UGC, it stands for User Generated Content. This job has been a game changer for many stay at home moms. You don’t need a large following on Titok to start making money as a UGC creator. Businesses are willing to pay people to create videos using their products or services.  

They find that UGC performs better because of its authenticity by the user. 

How can You get started? 

First, you’ll need to create a UGC portfolio. You can do this by going to Canva and choosing their website-building templates. For inspiration, you can search Tiktok for” UGC portfolio” to get an idea of how you should create yours. 

Brands meet Creator and Bilo are two platforms that pay UGC creators. 

You must have a contract in place to protect your usage rights and legality as a creator. 

17. Flip Items From Flea Market 

Find great items from flea markets to flip on eBay or Facebook marketplace. A lot of people are flipping things part-time and making over 40k per year. This is also great work for moms because it can be done with their kids during the day. 

Some of the best items to flip from flea markets are furniture, handmade jewelry, and fitness equipment. 

18.  Sell Digital Products On Etsy

Selling digital products on Etsy is also a good way for moms to make a lot of money from home. The best part about creating a digital product is that you design it once and sell it over and over again. It’s also a beginner-side job for moms. 

To be successful, you will need to be keen on your SEO strategy. I know that I’ve mentioned SEO a couple of times in this article but it’s dominated by almost everything we do online to make money these days. 

Here is how I got my first sale on Etsy 

I only focused on low competitive keywords 

Listing at least 20 items when starting 

Use high-quality photos and mock-ups 

It’s also important that you stay active on Etsy. Work in your shop for 2 hours daily. To boost your chances of getting more views, ensure that you have discounts and share your products on Pinterest.

19. Laundry and Ironing on Taskrabbit 

These are the perfect side hustles for moms to stay at home because we all know that home chores are a must to keep a healthy home. This job pays mom up to $40 per hour.  Being a stay at home mom isn’t easy. 

Taskrabbit is a website that offers professional home services to its clients. If you like doing laundry, or ironing then consider setting up your profile. This mom is making $33 per hour doing this. 

20. Photography 

I can remember as a child there was a couple that stayed at home with their kids and they owned a photography business. They had some beautiful chairs and backdrops that they used to do photoshoots on their varanda. If you are a mom that enjoys taking photos and wants to make good money from home, then consider being a photographer. 

You can find some great cameras on Amazon, as well as decor to use for your mini photo booth.  Once you have a nice space set up, you can start taking photos and post them on Tiktok and Instagram. Social media can help you get clients fast. If you don’t want to take photos of people, then you can reach out to business owners and offer to take photos of their products to use in their adverts. 

One of the ideas you can do as a mom to make money is offering schools and local bakeries photoshoots. 

There are plenty of other options but these are the ones you can at home with your kids. 

Another side hustle for moms to do with older kids is taking photos for real estate agents. Let’s discuss more in the next section. 

21. Take Photos for Real Estate Agents

This is a good job for moms who enjoy going outdoors and taking pictures. Real estate agents need photos for their open houses to post on the MLS. To get started, go to Zillow and find homes that have been recently listed. Look for the agent’s contact details and find out if they would be interested in hiring someone to help them take photos of their listings.

You can also invest in a drone that will help with the angles of the photos. You can charge $200-$350 per photo package.

22. Customer service 

Many moms including myself have done customer service jobs while staying home with their kids. This could be chat jobs or even phone answering jobs. The best thing about this job is that it’s in demand, companies are always looking for professional people with an empathetic attitude to help out with their customer’s complaints. 

 For years while staying at home, I had the opportunity to help businesses with their outbound and inbound phone calls. And no it’s not always fun to be on the phone especially when you have a busy mom schedule. Some moms love to talk with people over the phone. If you’re a mom that has great problem-solving skills and you are a people person, then you can make $500 per week as a customer service representative. 

Here are the places that hire customer service jobs for moms with a flexible schedule 

Working Solutions 



23. Share Your Opinion for Cash

Getting paid for sharing your opinion is one of the most flexible online jobs for moms. Respondent.io, Swagbucks, Ysens, and PrizeReble are great for busy mothers who want to make extra cash in their downtime. 

Respondent.io: There are surveys that pay $60 per hour and up for answering a couple of questions on a subject matter. 

Swagbucks: Get amazon gift cards, Paypal cash and rewards when you play games, watch videos and answer survey questions. They are available worldwide, USA, Canada Spain, UK and other countries.

InboxDollars: Great surveys jobs for moms to earn $5-$20. Read emails for cash and get paid to play games while you watch your kids.

Opinion Outpost: This company offers paid surveys moms can do to earn extra cash.

BeFrugal: If you’re a mom that wants to save on groceries, you can download this app and save each time you purchase from a partnered store. You can also earn $10 for each friend you refer.

Sharing your opinion through survey sites is a low-stress side hustle for moms and can be done any time of the day. To get started, you’ll need to have a work email for higher-paying surveys and you must verify your phone number. 

24. Sell Low Content Books On Amazon

If you’re wondering what the term “low content book” means, it’s any notebook without content that you would write in. This would include blank notebooks and Journals. It’s so easy for moms to do and make money. Here’s a Tiktok video I did on how to create your book and publish it on Amazon KDP.

25. In-Home Day Care Services

jobs for stay at home moms

Watching other people’s kids while taking care of yours is a nice way for moms to make extra cash. If you’re a stay at home mom that’s looking for a way to make some money while having fun, this might be your job. You can charge $12 per hour to watch kids in your neighborhood.

If you’re already good at taking care of your child, and love kids then turning this into a side hustle can help you pay bills and save money at the same time.

This article by Chron explains how you can start your own baby sitting business.

26. Affiliate Marketing

One of the most popular jobs that moms can do to make passive income is through promoting products that they love. There are many affiliate networks that don’t require you to have a website or audience to get started. Sites like DigiStore24, Clickbank, and FlexOffers are great for beginners that want to make money in affiliate marketing. There are other high-paying ones moms can do including; Bluehost and Fiverr affiliate programs.

How much can you make with affiliate marketing? I have made a couple thousand doing this but there are people making 6 figures A MONTH! doing this. Affiliate marketing takes time, but with the RIGHT audience, you can make money fast. Putting your affiliate links on Social media in front of the right audience can make you a lot of money. And also creating a blog and promoting your affiliate links can give you lifetime recurring earnings.

27. Start a Home-based Baking Business

Are you one of those moms that enjoys baking? I have seen so many success stories from moms who are doing this from home. Not only is this a fun job for moms but it’s a great way to do something that you’re passionate about. With many ideas from Pinterest available on Wedding cakes, Baby shower cakes, and cakes for other events, you can also share your own on the platform. The reason Pinterest is perfect for a baking business is that people who are ready to purchase go to Pinterest.

You will need to create your website to send customers for purchasing your recipes or ordering cakes. If this sounds good, then let me know in the comments.

28. Start a Youtube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel in 2023 is still one of the best ways to make money as a mom. You can start a mommy channel teaching other moms some of your tips and tricks of motherhood. I also watched some of these channels from time to time and they are usually authentic and relatable. There are also other things that a mommy channel can do like:

Teaching the alphabet

Creating learning crafts for kids

Having discussions about postpartum depression

Best items to use for newborns and toys to purchase ( these types of channels make lots of money)

Story reading for toddlers

Motivational conversations for other moms

Bonus Career Remote Jobs for Moms:

Here are some remote-first companies that are hiring from home. These positions are also grate for moms.These companies don’t require you to be in office,

Remote Company NameWebsiteCareer page URLGlassdoor verificationRating
What nothttps://www.whatnot.com/careershttps://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Whatnot-Reviews-E5065998.htm4.2
Lloyd’s Registerhttps://www.lr.org/en/https://jobs.lr.org/search/?createNewAlert=false&q=&optionsFacetsDD_department=&optionsFacetsDD_country=&optionsFacetsDD_shifttype=&locationsearch=https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Lloyd-s-Register-Reviews-E35218.htm3.3
Swiftly Systemshttps://www.swiftly.com/https://www.swiftly.com/about/careershttps://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Swiftly-Systems-EI_IE2341575.11,26.htm4.7
Data Brickshttps://www.databricks.com/https://www.databricks.com/company/careers/open-positionshttps://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Databricks-EI_IE954734.11,21.htm4.5
FHI 360https://www.fhi360.org/https://fhi.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/FHI_360_External_Career_Portalhttps://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-FHI-360-EI_IE424981.11,18.htm4
Sheesha Financehttps://sheeshafinance.io/https://sheeshafinance.io/careers/https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/remote-business-development-manager-jobs-SRCH_IL.0,6_IS11047_KO7,35.htm?src=GD_JOB_AD&rdserp=true&srs=EI_JOBS&jl=1008216864383&ao=1136043&s=21&guid=00000184a5b55481bbba25b53fa7dfbf&pos=112&t=ESR&vt=w&uido=096015FD9445B5EABCCA3DA13399E8D5&ea=1&cs=1_e018c644&cb=1669227435752&jobListingId=1008216864383&jrtk=3-0-1giiraligia3e801-1giiralkagspt800-bcc7e458f68ff63e-4
Duck Duck Gohttps://duckduckgo.com/https://duckduckgo.com/hiringhttps://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/DuckDuckGo-Reviews-E1086167.htm4.9
Keyword Studioshttps://www.keywordsstudios.com/https://www.keywordsstudios.com/careers/https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Keywords-Studios-EI_IE463070.11,27.htm3.7
Boston Scientifichttps://jobs.bostonscientific.com/?locale=en_UShttps://jobs.bostonscientific.com/search/?q=&locationsearch=4.2
Big IDhttps://bigid.com/https://bigid.com/company/careers/#job_boardhttps://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-BigID-EI_IE2090328.11,16.htm4.8

Let’s Wrap Up The List of at Home Jobs for Moms

This post was created out of the passion of giving my readers real mom jobs they can do after or during pregnancy. I try to cover many other topics in the work from home space so that everyone can benefit from making money at home. Join my mailing list where I publish newsletters every week on ways you can make money from home. Leave a comment below and let me know what you’ll be trying from the list.

35 Best Work From Home Jobs

How to Start Selling On Fiverr

28 Places that Hire 14 and 15 year olds

How to Make $2000 fast

14 Non Phone Jobs

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