How to Make $300 A Day- 7 Realist Ways to Start Making $300 Today!
How to Make $300 A Day- 7 Realist Ways to Start Making $300 Today!

Are you looking for ways how to make $300 a day? This is a question that’s asked by so many people, a common Quora question.

Making $300 per day can help with a lot of things, such as: 

  • Save for a dream vacation
  • Investments 
  • Pay your mortgage 
  • Car payments 
  • Student/personal loans 
  • Pay your bills or rent 


The fact is, making 300 dollars daily can make a big difference in someone’s living. If you’re looking for realistic and unique ways to make $300 a day, then you’re in the right place.

I’m Kerry, a blogger mom who has worked in several spaces that have earned me full-time income online. I’ve worked as a freelancer, and remote worker and also run my own VA business.

I will show you simple and creative ways to make 300 dollars fast with no experience. Making money online is a simple process but it does take time for you to consistently earn money every week. 

Let’s get started with some realistic ways how to make 300 dollars fast.


How to make $300 a Day Online


Here are 7 Realistic ways to make $300 a day. This is great for anyone who wants to replace their 9-5 job, stay-at-home moms, and people who want to work from home. 


1. Teach English Online

make $300 online fast

One of the proven ways how to make $300 fast a day online is to become an online educator or virtual teacher. You can sign up for websites like Chegg, Tutor, Preply, and many others.


Check out this post on 18 teaching jobs online. You can make 300 dollars fast doing these teaching jobs. 


Online teachers earn $15-$25/hr with flexible work schedules. Some of these teaching jobs don’t require a Ph.D. and you can easily join and start teaching. 


2. Become a Freelance Writer 

Freelance writers are in high demand. Writers get paid based on the number of words written, these are real ways to make extra money per week.


You can sign up for writing jobs through Verblio, Hirewriters, and Problogger. Check out these 25 writing job websites. 


What are some real and easy ways to earn $300 daily as a Freelance writer? 

Let’s say you get 3 clients wanting an SEO article writing. You can charge 0.10 per word and write 1000 words each, that’s $100 per client and $300 for all 3 clients.




3. Become a Transcriptionist 

how to make $300 per day

Make money online as a transcriptionist. You can use effective transcription tools like otranscribe to do transcription jobs.


Although transcribing doesn’t pay a lot of money, this is a realistic way to make extra weekly. You can join transcribing websites like rev, Transcribeme, or Gotranscript. 



What are Real and easy ways to make $300 per week as a transcriber? 

Being a transcriber does require some skills such as tying fast and accurately. You can also do this with the right transcription tools. 


Depending on the website that you’re doing transcribing jobs on, the payout will vary. Transcribing doesn’t pay for how long you take to complete a document, it pays based on the amount of time on the audio.


Let’s say you are given an audio file of 1 hour long, and the set rate is $36/ audio hour – you can complete it within 3 hours. You can do 2 hours of audio files per day and make $360 per week doing transcribing jobs. 



4. List your services on Thumbtack 

make 300 dollars fast

You can find just about any service listed on Thumbtack. They list local services as well as virtual services.

Thumbtack is a legit way how you can make 300 dollars fast. This is a legit way how to make extra money online. 

Honest and easy ways to make $300 per week on Thumbtack? 

You can list just about any skills you have on Thumbtack and set your own price, here are just some services: 

Web design 

Dog sitter, Groomer 

Carpet Cleaner 

House Cleaning 


Internet Marketer 

Real Estate Services 

Outdoor Landscaping Design 

Pool service provider 

Data entry 

Photography, photo booth rental 

Wedding and Event Makeup- Artist 

Hair Stylist


5. Become a Virtual Assistant 


You can work as a virtual assistant and earn $300 per week part-time.  

A virtual assistant offers a wide range of services, you can read my post on 50 Virtual assistant services to offer and you can also see 25 places to find Virtual assistant jobs.


As a VA, you can choose to work your own hours or be a freelancer or you can work full-time in your VA business. 


Here’s a screenshot of how much I made as a VA working a few hours per day

how to make $300 fast in a week


A lot of companies hire Virtual assistants to help grow their business. Being a virtual assistant is a real way you can make 300 dollars fast.


Depending on the location of the VA, the pay may vary. US or experienced English-speaking VAs can earn $25-$40/hr 


6. Earn $300 per day Website Designer 

Website designers can make a lot of money if they have the right strategies in place to get clients. Web design is another real way you can make an extra 300 dollars fast. You can search freelance marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr or Peopleperhour to get Freelance website design jobs.

Another way to make $300 fast with website designing is through Facebook groups for small businesses. 



7. Sell Gigs on Fiverr 

I’m a fan of making money on Fiverr and its other realistic ways how to make 300 dollars fast. You can list just about any skill on Fiverr and over time, you’ll be able to make a full-time income.  Check out my guide on how to start selling on Fiverr and make $100 per day consistently. 

make 300 dollars fast

To buy or sell gigs on Fiverr, go here to sign up. 

You can also join these quick money sites, they don’t pay a lot but you could earn a few bucks that would be good for saving or buying groceries. 


You can get cashback on your amazon purchases or you can choose PayPal cash. Sign up today and get $5.


Earn up to $500 per month with Prizerebel. This survey site is great for persons who are looking for a plan to save money with a side business online.


Great way to earn cashback on online purchases.


This paid survey site allows you to cash out at a minimum of $1. You can take surveys and request a payout via PayPal.



Now that we’ve outlined how to make $300 a day, week, or month, what’s next? Will you take on some of these ideas so you can make money from home? For more work-from-home jobs, subscribe to our newsletters.

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