How to Make 150 Dollars Fast In A Day
How to Make 150 Dollars Fast In A Day

How to Make 150 Dollars Fast In A Day

Are you looking for some ways to make  $150 a day working from home? 

If you want to know how I make between $150 to $200 a day working from home then you’re in the right place.

Welcome to this post, my name is Kerry and I’m a work-from-home mom who teaches other stay-at-home moms how to make money from home while raising their kids.

 I worked my ass off! And now I’m able to use my skills from working with multiple industries and top brands to share with you how you can make money from home.

Today we’ll look at exactly how I make $150 a day working from home. 

If you haven’t already, take a minute to subscribe to my weekly newsletter where you can learn how to start your freelance business and make passive income online. 

Now, if you’re one of those persons who ask these questions:

I need $150 now, how can I make $150 fast 

How can I make $100 to 150 dollars fast in  a day as a stay at home Mom 

How to make $150 when I’m broke 

People who want to make $150 fast a day are looking for ways to make this amount so they can take care of their family, pay their utility bills, help with the payment of a loan, increase their monthly income or pay their rent. 

How to Live on $60k a year 

When I just started out as a freelancer, I was making $100 per week, then $150 per week, now I’m able to make more than $150 a day in my freelance business. 

In this guide, I will share my experience with you as a work-from-home mom that’s making 150 dollars a day. 

How to Make $150 fast in a day as a Stay at home Mom 

make $150 as a stay at home mom

There are many ways to make 150 dollars fast in a day. Here are some ways to make $150 fast from home 

Make 150 dollars as a Graphic Designer  

There’s no doubt that good graphic designers are making  $150 per hour. Even graphic designers with limited skills are able to make $150 fast in a day! Canva is a resourceful tool that helps create designs so you can use them in your business or sell it to your customers. 

Here is a post I wrote on 12 places to find Graphic Design work. . If you are passionate about graphic designing or Art, then you can make $150 fast in a day as a graphic designer offering flyers, Invitations, Business Cards, and Banners. 

Make $150 fast in a day as a Virtual Assistant 

$150 a day as a va

Many Virtual Assistants right now are making 10k a month and in another post, I’ll teach you how you can do this too. Depending on the type of VA, they can make $150 an hour or 150 dollars fast in a day. You can create your own Virtual Assistant business and start making passive income or you can join freelance websites and offer your virtual assistant skills. Check out my post on 25 places to find Virtual assistant jobs. 

Make $150 fast as a Proofreader

A lot of websites and companies need their copies to be error-free, even bloggers themselves hire proofreaders to make sure their content is grammatically on point.

If you are one of those people who can easily spot mistakes and likes reading, then proofreading could be your type of job. Proofreaders can make $100 fast in a day just by correcting errors on a website or on a file. Check out my guide on 20 Online proofreading Jobs to make $4000/mo  

How to make 150 dollars fast when you’re Broke

I get it, most people have been there many times, or maybe once or twice. I can admit that I’ve been broke many times before I started my freelance business. If you’ve ever gotten behind on your bill payments or you’re really broke and need to make $150 fast today, here are some jobs you can do:

Make $150 a day as a Social Media Manager:

social media manger make 150

Local businesses are now understanding how important social media is nowadays. Before the pandemic, a lot of marketers were convincing some businesses that having a social media presence is a good to get more customers. 

Now that most people are working from home and businesses are adapting to the new norm, people like yourself are using this opportunity to reach out to local businesses to offer their social media skills. 

Being a social media manager can help you make $150 a day by calling local companies and offering to help them get more customers through Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. 

Make $150 When you Offer Dog Walking Services

Rover is a great app to help people care for their dogs and cats. It’s another way you can make $150 fast with limited experience. 

Make  150 dollars a day on Thumbtack or Taskrabbit 

If you’re handy around the house or yard, there are many people who are looking for local help through Thumbtack or Taskrabbit. You can easily make $150 a day by helping people who need a technician, plumber, or cleaner. 

How I make $150 fast in a day working from home 

As a freelancer and entrepreneur, I’ve learned that everything we do to make our lives easier comes with consistency and time. There was a point in my journey when I wasn’t making enough money. I’m here to tell you that mastering a skill and having multiple streams of income is definitely how you can make a consistent passive income every month. 

I use my skills in sales to create sales playbooks and call scripts for businesses in multiple industries. Here’s a screenshot of how I made $150 in a day working just 3 hours. 

make $150 a day

make $150 a day

Writing sales scripts does require vast experience in sales and skills on how to handle objections as well as how to apply it to different niches. 

You can also make 150 dollars fast as a copywriter, ghostwriter, or sales and email writer. 

Fiverr and Upwork are the largest Freelancing websites to join and you can list your services and make $100 a day and even $300 a day.

Now that we’ve discussed how to make $150 fast in a day, it’s time to take action. Here are some things you can do: 

Subscribe to receive more valuable information on how to start your own freelance business and make money from home. 

Use this guide to start your journey and read more of my post on how to make money from home. 

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